

English performance: “Robin Hood”

On Tuesday afternoon we watched a performance at school. It was in English. The name of the show was “Robin Hood”, and it was represented by the company “IPA Productions”. The actors are native, so, their mother tongue is English.

The groups that watched the performance were the following: 3rd A and B, 4th A and B, 5th A and B and 6th A and B.

The story of Robin Hood is a classic one, but it has been adapted to our time, that’s why some aspects of the tale changed.

In general all the children liked the show: it was entertaining and funny. Besides, the students had the opportunity to take part, acting and doing the things the actors asked them to do. A lot of children wanted to participate!

We sang different songs too; the students knew them because we have been working some activities related to the show in class, before going to see it.

Our opinion as teachers, is that there were a lot of children watching the show, and we consider that it’s difficult to adapt the level for all the groups. We think that the actors have tried to do this as good as possible, and that it is not easy to get it.

From our point of view, it will be better to organize the event in another way for the next time; we think that two sessions should be more appropriate, bearing in mind the different levels among the groups.

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Oso ondo egon zen eta primeran pasa nuen boluntario bat izan nintzelako.

Martin 5.B

Anónimo dijo...

Niri asko gustatu zitzaidan antzerkia eta barregarria iruditu zitzaidan!

Irati 5B

Anónimo dijo...

Oso ondo pasa genuen,eta ingeles asko ikasi genuen.

Manu 5.B

Anónimo dijo...

Oso ondo egon zen antzerkia oso barregarria izan zen.


Anónimo dijo...

Antzerkia oso ondo egon zen eta asko guztatu zitzaidan


Anónimo dijo...



Anónimo dijo...

Oso polita izan zen eta farregarria.Gure gelako bat boluntario bezala atera zuten.

Anónimo dijo...

Antzerkia asko gustatu zitzaidan.
Oso barregarria iruditu zitzaidan.

Gorka 5.B